Rustmo1 Solar Farm
Located in Marikana in the North-West province, RustMo1 was the first IPP to be connected to the grid and one of the 18 solar PV power plants constructed in the first round of the REIPPP.

The 7MW plant has a 20-year year PPA to supply electricity to Eskom that commenced in 2013.
Hulisani has a 66% shareholding in RustMo1.

Project Highlights
- First IPP to be connected to the SA power grid
- Capacity to annually generate more than 12.5 million kWh of clean solar power – enough to power over 2000 average SA homes per year
- In 2019, RustMo1 has 14 years remaining of a 20 year PPA to supply electricity to Eskom

- Hulisani’s hand-on approach has yielded valuable knowledge of plant operations and efficiencies
- RustMo1 has created much needed local jobs and over R2.7m spent in socio-economic development in the Marikana Region
- Potential for opportunities to expand the plant or to build similar plants for additional offtake in the area